Qbits - a Quantum Reality entangled with our universe

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Qbits - A Quantum Reality entangled with our universe

The Qbits think they are the world’s greatest ever scientists, and they are back to save the planet!

Satellites are colliding and now they have been recruited by NASA as there is a meteor storm heading to Svalbard, home to the Doomsday vault.

Quantum Entanglement:
2 worlds + 2 young scientists + 4 Qbits = Chaos + Adventure

The Doomsday Vault......Svalbard Seed Vault

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Svalbard Seed Vault

Opened 2008 - also known as the Doomsday Vault.

2.25 billion seeds stored near the North Pole.

Frozen at minus 18 °C. for up to 200 years.

Designed to withstand nuclear explosion with blastproof doors.

March 2015 - A meteor storm is heading to the Doomsday vault. The Qbits Team have been recruited by NASA to be there...


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